March 13, 2011

GREAT reading recommendations from some Facebook friends, ala PBS

I asked this question of my Facebook friends last week.

"What book are you reading right now that you'd recommend to others? Why?
(same question PBS asked on Facebook)

Look at the variety of delicious responses!

Julia: Currently reading Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage by Hazel Rowley. Recently finished The Descendants - a novel about a family in Hawaii. Just did a blog post today about this!

Joy: Decision Points, George W. Bush. It's interesting to learn about the man as well as the former President, how some decisions were made and why...Not an easy position to hold - often a lonely spot to be in. Loving it!

Wendy: Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World by Lynne Spears... reading it out of pure curiosity, but loving the way it paints such a small town way of living as it reminds me of home.

Okee: The Hunger Games...thanks to my daughter who recommended the series to all three, pretty intense'll be Morpheous Road series because I got the 2nd book for free but waiting for the 1st one to be off of "hold" status.

I added this great trailer made by a student (not one of ours)

Rosemary: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. True story about WWII.

Susan: Just finished Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt. Highly recommend to people who like southern stories with uplifting, fun characters! Am on the prowl for my next read.

Jennifer: I am reading The Help" it. Luke (my 5 year old) loves anything that has to do with dinosaurs...ANYTHING!

Debra: A sixth grade student shared What-the-Dickens: the Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy by Gregory Maguire. Just started it.

Azi: Nani and I like to read James Patterson novels...don't we Nan..?

Val: I'm re-reading A Tale of Two Cities, because we are now in the worse and best of times. I'm also re-reading Once Were Warriors, loved the movie, but simply love the book. Both have to do with generational poverty...

Nani: I do like James Patterson and Jonathan Kellerman, but the most recent book I read was Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein. She's a journalist and has written for the New York Times. She tackles the effects of the girlie-girl culture on our young daughters. It was a hilarious read, rather informative (based on research), and has taught me to emphasize that there are other colors in the spectrum besides pink :)

Nani: Zoe likes the Biscuit books by Alyssa Satin Capucilli. They're the first books she's read by herself that have a storyline :)

Steve: Breakfast at Sally's by Richard LeMieux...story of a true local from this part of Washington...riches to rags and he lived on the street with his dog before pulling himself out of a slump...inspiring and humbling. A true testament to the good and pure side of human nature and its instinct to survive no matter what.

Rachael: Owen and Mzee ... because they inspire Great Love and Reverence for all life...

Penny: I may have mentioned this one before; Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry. Such a lovely, quiet yet inspirational read. Now reading Even Silence Has an End a memoir of a woman held in captivity in Columbia for six years. Ingrid Betancourt.

Thanks so much, readers!


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